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Medical assistance; coverage for reproductive health services.


Chief Patron:
Cia Price (D)

2021 Regular Session


As Introduced. Medical assistance; coverage for reproductive health services.

Directs the Board of Medical Assistance Services to include in the state plan for medical assistance services a provision for the payment of medical assistance for medically necessary reproductive health care service for eligible individuals, and provides that medical benefits required to be provided to individuals eligible for medical assistance under the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS) Plan shall include reproductive health care services for which the payment of medical assistance is required under the state plan for medical assistance. The bill directs the Board of Medical Assistance Services to adopt emergency regulations to implement the provisions of the bill. The bill also requires health benefit plans to cover the costs of specified health care services, drugs, devices, products, and procedures related to reproductive health. The health benefit plan requirements become effective when a plan is delivered, issued for delivery, reissued, or extended in the Commonwealth on and after January 1, 2022, or at any time thereafter when any term of the health benefit plan is changed or any premium adjustment is made. (Less)
  • Bill History

  • 01/10/2021 - House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/13/21 21102593D
  • 01/10/2021 - House: Referred to Committee on Labor and Commerce
  • 01/29/2021 - House: Impact statement from DPB (HB1922)
  • 02/05/2021 - House: Left in Labor and Commerce

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