Conflicts of Interest Disclosure : Real Estate

Harry Blevins reported ownership in the following real estate:

  • Timberland
    Pasquotank County, NC
    (1/4 Interest w/ Loyce Twiford, Kay Weeks, and M.R. White, Jr.)
  • Farm and Timber
    Camden County, NC
    Titled: Margie White Blevins
    Acreage: 80.00
  • Farm
    Pasquotank County, NC
    Titled: Margie White Blevins
    Acreage: 14.00
  • Timberland
    Chesapeake, VA
    Titled: Margie White Blevins
    Acreage: 100.00
  • Timberland
    Highway 158
    Gates County, NC
    Titled: Margie White Blevins
    Acreage: 586.50