Susan Blair Seward


Susan Blair Seward is affiliated with the following clients:

  • County of Sussex

    Registered: 1/16/2024

    Matters: Matters related to Sussex County, Virginia

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Va Forest Products Assn

    Registered: 1/6/2024

    Matters: Legislation related to biomass/greenhouse gas initiative, paper bag taxes, transportation and trucking, and employer issues such as minimum wage, paid leave, and workers compensation.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Va Veterinary Medicine Assn

    Registered: 1/6/2024

    Matters: All matters related to animal welfare, prescription drug issues affecting veterinarians, and all other legislation impacting veterinary medicine.

    Arrangement: Retained

Susan Blair Seward is affiliated with the following firms:

Contact Information

PO 186
Waverly, VA 23890


Current as of Jan. 17, 2024