Neil Steinberg

Leesburg Town Councilman Neil Steinberg

Leesburg Town Councilman Neil Steinberg, Mayor Kelly Burk and Vice Mayor Fernando “Marty” Martinez leveled accusations this week that their council colleagues are planning to show Town Attorney Barbara Notar the door.

(13) comments


I've known Suzanne Fox for many years. She has the utmost honesty and integrity, and she takes her responsibilities very seriously. The Town Council is very blessed to have her serving there.




From what I understand, the Council's job is to hire/fire the Town Attorney's. Why take it public? Looks like a Rookie mistake by Steinberg.


There is nothing wrong with transparency. Pointing out a potential conflict of interest should always be the right thing to do and to shame or say otherwise brings into question your motivations. Now that the curtain is lifted the average citizen gets a chance to see what may really be going on and can make a more informed opinion for themselves. The days of limited information sharing are behind us and the old ways are upset. Go figure!! Thank you Neil for your public service! Sounds like a someone is just upset they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar!!!


Mr Steinberg is ironic in throwing shade on Fox. Ask him where his campaign funds came from for his million sign blitz.


Not cool, Steinberg. Having known Ms. Fox as a neighbor for many years, it is clear that your behavior here is WAY out of line. Ms. Fox's integrity and honesty are beyond reproach - something increasingly difficult to find these days. For you to attack her in public like this is offensive and absolutely unnecessary.


The town attorney may deserve to be retired for all I know....why are poor performing bureaucrats allowed to stay on the job when they aren't serving the people effectively? Steinberg looks like an idiot and out of synch with a majority of the council and potentially protecting a failed public servant...

Chris McHale

LTM posted th he letter and then wrote a favorable article about the letter. LTM continues to let its bias show.


If you have talked with Suzanne for any length of time there can be no doubt about her integrity the democrats led by Burk you can't say as much for.

loudoun fan

What is wrong with this guy? Hanging out the town attorney to dry? Throwing the county attorney under the bus? A temper tantrum from a grown man? This is not good representation for the town. Don’t air grievances in the local paper. Be a man and deal with it in the council chamber. Convince others you are right or deal with the majority vote. That’s governing. This is 3rd grade.


Do we expect elected politicians to fix the "pay to play" environment political donations create? Each of my opponents spent over $1 million running for BOS chair yet 2/3rds of registered voters never even bothered to vote so apparently money donated can get you favors which the developers need because so few even vote. Pay for the party and get a predictable return on your developer originated investment. If people don't like it they have to change the current program but don't expect the donation addicted political class to do it for you! :-)

Virginia SGP

Agree that the winner-take-all voting system needs reform.

But I haven't received anything from these developers and think Leesburg should provide sewer to the Grayson manor. That sounds like a good business opportunity that helps everyone. That attorneys that repesent Loudoun's public bodies are horrendous. Replacing them would be helpful for all involved. I'm not saying that either side is a saint. But this need not have anything to do with donations.


FYI, SGP - Loudoun and Leesburg are not the same thing - you fight with the schools and the county are not with the same people that were elected and hired to manage Leesburg

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