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Prince William County Board of Supervisors Chair Deshundra Jefferson, left, explains why she supports hiking taxes on data centers during a recent board meeting. 

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Marilyn Karp, of Haymarket, urges the board to raise taxes on data centers to reduce the burden on homeowners. 

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Mike Katchmeric Heritage Hunt Gainesville. I totally support immediately raising the Computer and Peripheral tax to $3.70 any delay would only continue the $48 million a year tax break to the data center industry. Thanks to my Supervisor Bob Weir I know PWC current tax revenue from data centers for the C&P tax was about $66M on $2.15 tax rate per $100 of value. That make the tax break $1.55 compared to a max tax of $3.70 which is paid by all other businesses for their furniture and fixtures. There is only one reason to phase in any tax increase and that is for Supervisors to leverage this tax break to obtain political contributions. The data centers will glad to make $100K political donations when they will be getting $10Ms in tax breaks. It is the best rate of return that any business could ever get 100 to 1 ratio. These supervisors who voted for the PWDG know how to maintain there own political leverage to get political campaign donations but were not concerned at all about maintaining leverage for PWC government and residence. They never were interested in negotiating the best deal for the PWC.

I am a strong Democrat and was the former Chair of the Gainesville Democratic committee. I would never support the 3 supervisors who voted for PWDG and the one who abstained for any office they just can not be trusted to do what is right for all residences of PWC. It is up to the courts to correct their mistake. They need to make amends by voting for the $3.70 tax rate now. This is now the time to do what is right for PWC maximize the C&P tax rate. I suggest any additional revenue be split 50/50 between home owners tax relief and new initiatives.


Citizens told the Prince William Board of County Supervisors on April 9th that “enough is enough” as far as lavishing sweetheart deals on the predatory data center industry. And thankfully, this latest incarnation of the Board heard them. Is it possible the wind is shifting?

The BOCS, which was an industry doormat under Ann Wheeler, will not roll over so easily under new Chair Deshundra Jefferson. There was tangible optimism in the chamber that an elected official was actually going to deliver on a campaign promise. To county residents who have never seen it before, this is what leadership looks like.

There was no explanation why the budget presented by County Executive Christopher Shorter assumed the computer & peripheral tax would remain unchanged at $2.15. But several supervisors quickly disabused the audience of any intention of leaving it there. Most encouraging were the supportive comments of Occoquan Supervisor Kenny Boddye and Potomac Supervisor Andrea Bailey. Chair Deshundra Jefferson then left no doubt of her intention to support a maximum hike. It appears that a new majority is coalescing around the will of the public to insist the data center industry pay its freight.

There was a significant presence in the audience of advocates for affordable housing, a cause which had taken a distant back seat to the prior Board’s data center preoccupation. Now there is hope that their nemesis may actually provide the source of funding they have patiently waited for.

The budget is where the County demonstrates its priorities, and each supervisor’s vote will reveal their principles and loyalties.

Chair Jefferson emphatically stated: “Integrity cannot be bought”. What a novel concept. Let’s hope it’s catching.

Budget mark-up is scheduled for next Tuesday, April 16th at 7:30 PM. Take it to the max - $3.70 or bust.

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