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School Board member April Moore Chandler (Algonkian) appears at a March 21 committee meeting.

Some parents and liberal groups have pushed back on a panel’s recommendation to place security guards or police officers at each of the county’s 61 public elementary schools.

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Sheriff Mike Chapman (R) speaks at an April 16 forum on mental health.

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Only people or groups who advocate being soft on bad behavior oppose SROs. Only people up to no good are intimidated by police officers. The overwhelming majority of law abiding and well behaving students appreciate having them there and many cultivate great relationships with them. But of course it is not surprising that the local Democrat party opposes the SROs. Despite widespread examples nationwide of the catastrophic results of the Democrat party’s policy of appeasing bad behavior, they roll out all of the usual playbook terms…”intimidation”, “anxiety”, “culture of fear”, etc. And of course no Democrat whining would be complete without the tiresome playing of the race card. It is just plain silly and illogical that putting more SROs in the schools doesn’t make kids more safe. Any student who is behaving, regardless of ethnicity, will benefit from SROs who are there to protect them from those students who are not. How can anyone find fault in that?

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