Virginia Capitol

The Virginia State Capitol building in Richmond

The Virginia General Assembly approved a budget bill Wednesday that will expand Medicaid to approximately 400,000 low-income Virginians. 

(11) comments


Because the national failure wasn't evidence enough for these morons.


What failure? That’s all you ever hear from conservatives! But can they name what that failure is? You could always go with reports from right wing media like the National Review, which is mostly factual, but doesn’t tell the other side. Of course they also say that all other news is fake news.

MAGA Morons Are Governing America

Only in a country where a lying, self-enriching, has-been reality TV star is held by some as the worthy of respect would you find a group of people opposed to helping their fellow Virginians get the health care we're all paying tax dollars to provide to people in so many other states.


Well, looks like taxes will increase for Virginians. Buh Bye Jill Vogel and others...


It’s so bad that 32 other states, over half of the country, have already done it. Idaho and Nebraska are looking to expand. You have to realize that you are already paying for those who get sick and go to emergency rooms. You are already paying to keep state hospitals open in rural parts of VA. But with expansion we are getting 90% of the cost back from the government, not the 50% we got before. You will have a healthier population which creates a healthier work force.


It’s about time! Now more Virginians, many of them veterans, can afford to purchase insurance policies, and raise their quality of life. There are so many in rural areas that need to worry about getting treatment for their families. This will help keep their local hospitals and clinics open, which will keep and create jobs.

More Cowbell

I missed where in this so-called compromise, where Northern Va would get more of their tax money back from Richmond? To spend on schools, roads, transportation....


S. Chris Anders should run for office I would support him. The republicans in office who voted for this extravagance and the republicans who failed to stop it should all be voted out. If you did not pay into the program you are a drain and a leech on those of us who have paid our share. Democrats buying votes with our money. yikes!


What is your reasoning for not wanting the expansion? There are an overwhelming pluses to it.


"I cannot tell you how disgusted I am with the Republican Party, the Republican majority in the state legislature, President Trump and the conservative voters of the commonwealth," -Me and the majority of people in Loudoun County.


I don't think you are i the majority. Why do you think it was a bad idea to get coverage for approx. 400,000 Virginians and save the taxpayers money?

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