Update Jan 18, 2023: VPAP has discovered that the information listed below is incomplete. We are working to update it.

Analysis of Pre-Session Donations

Legislators reported 333 political contributions of $1,000 or more in the first 11 days of the year, before a ban on fundraising began at the start of the annual General Assembly session. NOTE: Data on this page was updated on January 19.

Total Donations by Caucus

Donors With 4 or More Contributions of at Least $1,000

Donations by Legislator Type

Top 5 Recipients by Chamber

Source: Virginia Department of Elections. Legislators are required to report by January 18 any single donation of $1,000 or more received between January 1-12. The requirement, which became law last year, is designed to provide transparency of last-minute donations to legislators before an in-session ban on donations takes effect once the regular session of the General Assembly begins.