Winsome Sears

Winsome Sears has served as Lt. Governor since 2022.
Also served in the House of Delegates from 2002 to 2004 (HD90).

Donors by Occupation: Health Care

All Years
Amount Industry
$3,250 Adult Homes
$2,675 Anesthesiologists
$7,675 Chiropractor
$5,930 Dentists
$7,100 Health Care Consultants
$8,555 Health Insurance
$8,576 Hospitals/Health Systems
$1,033 Medical Labs/Testing
$10,901 Medical Supplies/Devices
$3,075 Mental Health
$3,200 Miscellaneous Health Care
$2,908 Nurses
$9,750 Nursing Homes/Long-Term Care
$75 Ophthalmolgists
$2,936 Optometrists
$132,410 Pharmaceuticals
$600 Pharmacists
$49,692 Physicians