20 of 20 precincts reporting (100%)
Official results from the Virginia Department of Elections
Bill Haley (R)
1,715 41.27%
Ron Villanueva (R)
2,441 58.73%

Results for 2017 House of Delegates - District 21 - Regular Primary

Chesapeake City

Precinct Haley Villanueva
049 - Waterway
300 (61.73%)
186 (38.27%)
Central Absentee Precinct
9 (37.50%)
15 (62.50%)
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)

Virginia Beach City

Precinct Haley Villanueva
036 - Windsor Oaks
103 (45.18%)
125 (54.82%)
043 - Bellamy
56 (42.75%)
75 (57.25%)
044 - Centerville
139 (43.17%)
183 (56.83%)
045 - Timberlake
41 (35.04%)
76 (64.96%)
051 - Stratford Chase
107 (36.39%)
187 (63.61%)
054 - Cromwell
62 (38.27%)
100 (61.73%)
058 - Glenwood
67 (28.39%)
169 (71.61%)
064 - Rosemont Forest
134 (39.30%)
207 (60.70%)
065 - Colonial
89 (43.20%)
117 (56.80%)
068 - Manor
129 (37.28%)
217 (62.72%)
071 - Round Hill
49 (46.23%)
57 (53.77%)
073 - Dahlia
47 (41.96%)
65 (58.04%)
078 - Indian Lakes
81 (42.63%)
109 (57.37%)
087 - Hillcrest
57 (23.65%)
184 (76.35%)
089 - Lake Christopher
107 (38.63%)
170 (61.37%)
097 - Indian River
61 (49.59%)
62 (50.41%)
098 - Independence
36 (38.30%)
58 (61.70%)
Central Absentee Precinct
39 (33.62%)
77 (66.38%)
2 (50.00%)
2 (50.00%)