Lobbyists Employed

  • Barnett, James E Jr

    224 Ballard St
    Yorktown, VA 23690

    (757) 890-3340

    Registered: 12/20/2010
    Matters: Matters affecting the powers and authority of local government, including but not limited to zoning, subdivision and land use, local taxes, eminent domain.
    Job title: County Attorney

  • Smith, Anne B

    PO Box 532
    Yorktown, VA 23690

    (757) 890-3880

    Registered: 6/18/2010
    Matters: Delivery of Human Services by local and state government, including Comprehensive Services Act, court services, housing rehabilitation, juvenile detention, social services, health, mental health and other areas as might be identified by the County as concerns to the Locality.
    Job title: Director of Department of Community Services

Matters: Matters affecting the powers and authority of local government, including but not limited to zoning, subdivision and land use, local taxes, eminent domain, the Comprehensive Services Act, court services, housing rehabilitation, juvenile detention, social services, health, mental health and other areas as might be identified by the County as concerns to the Locality.

Principal contact for County of York:

Information on this page comes from public documents on file with the office of the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council.