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Top Donors

All Years
Amount Donor
$250,000 Republican Commonwealth Leadership PAC
$200,000 Republican State Leadership Committee
$145,000 Spirit of Virginia
$85,000 House Republican Campaign Committee
$60,000 Kilgore for Delegate - Terry
$30,000 Dominion Energy
$15,000 Knight for Delegate - Barry
$13,088* Ennis for Delegate - Baxter
$10,000 American Culture Project
$10,000 Gilbert for Delegate - Todd
$10,000 Moving Mountains PAC
$5,500 Green for Delegate - Chad
$5,000 452 LLC
$5,000 Ennis Media Group
$5,000 Va Majority Makers
$3,000 Elbow Road Farm Inc
$3,000 McNamara for Delegate - Joe
$2,500 A Safer Virginia PAC
$2,500 Auto Helpers LLC
$2,500 Batten for Delegate - Amanda
$2,500 Bell for Delegate - Rob
$2,500 Fawcett, Jason
$2,500 Perno, David L
$2,500 Runion, Chris
$2,500 Tusk & Trunk Club

*Includes donations — either transfers between committees controlled by the same candidate or from from so-called 527 groups — that may have been excluded from aggregated totals at the top of this page and on previous pages.