Brian M Gordon


Brian M Gordon is affiliated with the following clients:

  • Apartment & Office Building Assn

    Registered: 5/13/2024

    Matters: All matters pertaining to the development and management of commercial and multifamily rental property to include legislation and regulation affecting environmental matters, general business, housing, landlord/tenant interaction, building codes, local government authority, land use, planning, taxes, transportation and utilities.

    Arrangement: Employed

    Senior Vice President

  • Va Apartment Management Assn

    Registered: 5/13/2024

    Matters: All matters pertaining to the development and management of multifamily residential rental property to include legislation and regulation affecting environmental matters, general business, housing, landlord/tenant interaction, building codes, local government authority, land use, planning, taxes, transportation and utilities.

    Arrangement: Retained

Contact Information

1050 17th St NW
STE 300
Washington, DC 20036


Current as of May 15, 2024