Changes to Returning House GOP Committee Assignments

Note: This list was updated at 2:12 pm on January 14, 2022 to reflect House-approved amendments to the original assignment changes.

Del. Les Adams
Added to Commerce and Energy
Removed from Transportation

Del. Terry Austin
Named Chair of Transportation

Del. John Avoli
Added to Counties, Cities & Towns
Removed from Health, Welfare & Institutions.

Del. Amanda Batten
Added to Commerce and Energy
Added to Rules

Del. Rob Bell
Named Chair of Courts of Justice
Added to Rules
Removed from Transportation

Del. Rob Bloxom
Added to Transportation

Del. Emily Brewer
Named Chair of Communications, Technology and Innovation

Del. Kathy Byron
Named Chair of Commerce and Energy
Added to Rules

Del. Jeff Campbell
Added to General Laws
Removed from Counties, Cities & Towns

Del. Ronnie Campbell
Added to Courts of Justice

Del. Carrie Coyner
Added to Appropriations
Added to General Laws
Added to Education
Removed from Courts of Justice
Removed from Counties, Cities and Towns
Removed from Public Safety

Del. Glenn Davis
Named Chair of Education
Added to Communications, Technology and Innovation

Del. James Edmunds
Added to Communications, Technology and Innovation
Removed from Courts of Justice

Del. Matt Fariss
Added to Agriculture, Chesapeake & Natural Resources
Appointed to Health, Welfare & Institutions

Del. Buddy Fowler
Added to Agriculture, Chesapeake & Natural Resources
Removed from Health, Welfare & Institutions

Del. Nick Freitas
Added to Finance
Added to Courts of Justice
Added to Education
Added to Public Safety
Removed from Communications, Technology and Innovation
Removed from Transportation

Speaker Todd Gilbert
Named Chair of Rules
Removed from Finance
Removed from Agriculture, Chesapeake & Natural Resources

Del. Christopher Head
Added to Rules

Del. Keith Hodges
Named Chair of Counties, Cities & Towns
Added to Appropriations

Del. Barry Knight
Named Chair of Appropriations

Del. Dave LaRock
Added to Education
Added to Transportation
Removed from Communications, Technology and Innovation

Del. Jay Leftwich
Named Chair of General Laws
Added to Privileges & Elections
Removed from Counties, Cities & Towns

Del. Danny Marshall
Added to Appropriations
Removed from Education

Del. John McGuire
Added to Transportation

Del. Joe McNamara
Added to Commerce and Energy
Added to Communications, Technology and Innovation

Del. Israel O'Quinn
Added to Rules

Del. Bobby Orrock
Named Chair of Health, Welfare & Institutions
Added to Rules
Added to Agriculture, Chesapeake & Natural Resources
Removed from Privileges & Elections

Del. Margaret Ransone
Named Chair of Privileges & Elections
Added to Rules

Del. Roxann Robinson
Name Chair of Finance
Added to General Laws
Removed from Education
Removed from Public Safety

Del. Chris Runion
Added to Finance
Added to General Laws
Added to Transportation
Added to Agriculture, Chesapeake & Natural Resources
Removed from Communications, Technology and Innovation
Removed from Privileges & Elections

Del. Wendell Walker
Added to Finance
Added to General Laws
Removed from Transportation
Removed from Privileges & Elections

Del. Lee Ware
Named Chair of Agriculture, Chesapeake & Natural Resources
Removed from Privileges & Elections

Del. Will Wampler
Added to Appropriations

Del. Michael Webert
Added to Rules
Added to Public Safety
Removed from Communications, Technology and Innovation

Del. Bill Wiley
Added to Finance
Added to Public Safety
Added to Transportation
Removed from Communications, Technology and Innovation
Removed from Education

Del. Tony Wilt
Named Chair of Public Safety
Added to Rules

Del. Tommy Wright
Added to Agriculture, Chesapeake & Natural Resources
Removed from Finance
Removed from Public Safety

Del. Scott Wyatt
Added to Appropriations

Jan. 13, 2022

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