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Youngkin says Trump could become the first GOP presidential candidate to win Virginia in 20 years


It’s been two decades since a Republican carried Virginia in the race for the White House. You have to go back to then-President George W. Bush, who won the Commonwealth in his 2004 re-election victory. Democrats have carried the state in four straight presidential elections, including President Biden’s 10-point victory over Donald Trump four years ago as he won the White House. But GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin thinks the former president has a very good shot of ending the Republican losing streak in Virginia as Trump faces off this autumn with Biden in a 2024 election rematch.

VaNews June 10, 2024

Davidson: Sen. Kaine wants more career, fewer political-fundraising ambassadors

By JOE DAVIDSON, Washington Post (Metered Paywall - 3 articles a month)

Have you heard the story about the expensive handbag designer, a member of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club, who was his ambassador to South Africa? Although born there, Lana Marks had no previous diplomatic experience. What about Kelly Craft, a Republican donor and Trump’s ambassador to Canada, who reportedly was dubbed an “absent ambassador” because she was so often away from her post? Or the one about the bipartisan political fundraiser and would-be U.S. ambassador to Norway nominated by President Barack Obama?

VaNews June 10, 2024

Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority cuts way to profit amid liquor sales decline

By MICHAEL MARTZ, Richmond Times-Dispatch (Metered Paywall - 7 articles a month)

The Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority is trying to get back on track to profitability and stability after a reckoning with declining liquor sales that dealt a big blow to the profit margins it had promised to the state in this fiscal year and the two-year budget that takes effect on July 1. The General Assembly lowered its expectation for ABC profits by almost $5 million in the current fiscal year and $44 million in the next one, as the state-owned liquor monopoly faced a drop in retail sales of almost $40 million in the first 10 months of the current year, through April 30.

VaNews June 10, 2024

VPAP Visual U.S. Senate Fundraising: Pre-Primary

The Virginia Public Access Project

U.S. Senate candidates have filed their last reports before the June primary, covering activity through May 29. Toggle to see the amount raised or cash on hand.

VaNews June 10, 2024

VPAP Visual U.S. House Fundraising: Pre-Primary

The Virginia Public Access Project

Candidates running in the June 18 primaries for the U.S. House of Representatives have filed pre-primary campaign finance disclosures. See how much they have raised since March, as well as their remaining cash on hand.

VaNews June 10, 2024