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General Assembly budget leaders, Youngkin reach compromise

By MICHAEL MARTZ, Richmond Times-Dispatch (Metered Paywall - 7 articles a month)

General Assembly budget leaders and Gov. Glenn Youngkin have reached a compromise on the next two-year state budget that would use an additional $525 million in state revenues to pay for Democratic spending priorities — including raises of 3% each year for state employees and teachers — without raising taxes and crossing the Republican governor’s red line for a potential veto. House Appropriations Chairman Luke Torian, D-Prince William, confirmed on Thursday afternoon that assembly budget negotiators had reached a deal with Youngkin that they hope to approve on Monday in a special session that would last one day instead of three.

VaNews May 10, 2024

Youngkin and budget negotiators reach deal on state’s biennial spending plan

By MARKUS SCHMIDT, Cardinal News

Just four days before lawmakers are set to return to Richmond for a special session to consider a new state budget, the General Assembly’s budget negotiators and Gov. Glenn Youngkin struck a deal Thursday afternoon for a two-year spending plan that, if approved by the legislature next week, would avert a government shutdown by July 1. Del. Terry Austin, R-Botetourt County and a budget conferee who was part of the negotiations, called the agreement a win for both sides.

VaNews May 10, 2024