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Step therapy protocols; disclosures.


Chief Patron:
Glenn Davis (R)

2017 Regular Session


As Introduced. Step therapy protocols; disclosures.

Requires health insurers that limit coverage for prescription drugs through the use of a step therapy protocol to have in place a process for a prescribing provider to request an override of the protocol for a patient. A step therapy protocol is a protocol or program that establishes the specific sequence in which prescription drugs for a specified medical condition are medically appropriate for a particular patient and are covered by a health benefit plan or that conditions coverage of a prescription medication on a patient first trying an alternative medication without success. The measure requires the granting of a step therapy protocol override in certain circumstances. Finally, the measure requires an insurer that offers a health benefit plan that uses a step therapy protocol to provide (i) written notice of a determination that the protocol requires denial of coverage of a provider's selected prescription drug, (ii) an explanation of the basis for such determination, and (iii) notice of the procedures for submitting a request for an override of the restrictions of the step therapy protocol. (Less)
  • Bill History

  • 01/08/2017 - House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/11/17 17101997D
  • 01/08/2017 - House: Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor
  • 01/12/2017 - House: Assigned C & L sub: Subcommittee #2
  • 01/20/2017 - House: Impact statement from SCC (HB1755)
  • 01/24/2017 - House: Subcommittee failed to recommend reporting (4-Y 6-N)
  • 02/08/2017 - House: Left in Commerce and Labor