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Therapeutic day treatment; DMAS to develop a plan regarding authorization, etc.


Chief Patron:
Rob Bell (R)

2021 Regular Session


As Introduced. Department of Medical Assistance Services; therapeutic day treatment.

Directs the Department of Medical Assistance Services (the Department) to (i) develop and implement a plan that directs and guides Medicaid managed care organizations' decisions regarding authorization of school-based therapeutic day treatment for children and adolescents during the transition to the full implementation of redesigned school-based services to minimize gaps in therapeutic day treatment coverage during the transition period and (ii) implement a process for reviewing such decisions of managed care organizations. The bill directs the Department to report quarterly beginning October 1, 2021, to the Secretary of Health and Human Resources and the Chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations regarding the plan and process developed and the data and information collected pursuant to the bill. (Less)
  • Bill History

  • 01/18/2021 - House: Presented and ordered printed 21101483D
  • 01/18/2021 - House: Referred to Committee on Health, Welfare and Institutions
  • 01/26/2021 - House: Impact statement from DPB (HB2301)
  • 01/28/2021 - House: Tabled in Health, Welfare and Institutions (14-Y 8-N)

Full text and vote history:

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