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Justin Fairfax

Justin Fairfax served as Lt. Governor from 2018 to 2022.

Top Donors

All Years
Amount Donor
$245,258 Black PAC
$164,426 Planned Parenthood Va
$150,000 Sussman, S Donald
$147,882 NextGen Climate Action
$146,808 Va League of Conservation Voters
$105,528 For Our Future
$103,290 Everytown for Gun Safety
$80,000 Rosen, Andrew
$69,811 New Va Majority
$66,000 Okezie, Ikenna
$65,735 SEIU Committee on Political Education
$60,775 CASA in Action
$60,000 Dintersmith, Ted
$50,000 Bills, Michael D
$50,000 McElrath-Slade, Rose
$47,500 King, John E
$40,000 Abramson, Ronald D
$37,500 Bennett, Leonard A
$35,500 Rice, Edward Hart
$35,000 National Education Assn
$35,000 Phillips, Steve
$31,250 McCollum, Gary
$30,005 AFL-CIO Working America
$30,000 Goldman-Fowler, Amy