Conflicts of Interest Disclosure : Income from Business Interests

Albert Pollard reported a personal stake of more than $10,000 in the following businesses, partnerships, corporations and rental property:

Investment Gross Income
Rental Property
Lancaster, VA

(OWned by Albert & Mariah Pollard)
$50,000 or Less
Rental Property
Northampton, VA

(Owned by Ben Mears, Price Clarke and Mariah Polalrd)
$50,000 or Less
Financial Investments
PO Box 277
Irvington, VA 22480-0277
More than $250,000
Lumber Smith LLC (Woodwrights, LLC)
Sawmill Manufacturing
Lancaster, VA
$50,000 or Less
Lumber Smith International (Woodwrights International LLC)
Sawmill Shipping Internationally
PO Box 508
Lively, VA 22507-0508
$50,000 or Less
Wells-Pollard LP
Frederick, VA
$50,000 or Less