People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Lobbying Gift Detail

Host:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Date(s):March 24, 2012
Description:Leather Jacket, Framed Print, and 1 night hotel room
Total Cost of Event: $365
Number of People Attending:(Not Provided)
Cost Per Person: Not Provided*
Number of Officials Attending:(Not Provided)

Executive/Legislative Officials Listed:

* Disclosure forms do not require clients to state clearly the average cost per person. Calculating the average cost per person may not be as simple as dividing the total cost by the number of people attending. Because the forms and instructions are unclear, the amount listed can represent either the total cost of the event, the amount spent on only the officials who attended or the average cost per person.

METHODOLOGY: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals reported the items shown on required personal financial disclosures, known as Statement of Economic Interests.