Terry Kilgore

Terry Kilgore has served in the House of Delegates since 1994.
Currently represents House of Delegates District 45
Select Year:

Floor Vote Participation 99%
Close Votes 116
Abstentions 0
Present but Not Voting 6
Changed Votes 0
Voting Unity
Republican Caucus 93%
Organization % Agreement
on Selected Votes
Family Foundation 94%
National Fed of Independent Business (NFIB) - State 100%
Sierra Club - Va Chapter 40%
Va Education Assn 50%
Va League of Conservation Voters 27%

Disclaimer: The inclusion of a scorecard does not represent an endorsement by VPAP of any organization or any issue set. The scorecards above were selected based on published criteria set by the VPAP Board of Directors. Including scorecards is part of VPAP's role of aggregating information so users can easily make more informed choices.

Political Party: Republican
(49% of legislators are Republican)

Race: Caucasian
(70% of legislators are Caucasian)

Gender: Male
(65% of legislators are male)

Age: 62
(26% of legislators are 56-65)

Length of Service: Member since 2024; 30 years of service
(6% of legislators have served for more than 20 years)

Margin of Victory: Uncontested
(25% of legislators had this margin of victory in their last General Assembly election)

Birth State: Tennessee
(50% of legislators were born outside of Virginia)

Region: District Office Area Code 276
(5% of legislators represent this region)

Education Level: Law Degree
(28% of legislators have similar education)

Undergrad Public / Private: State University
(52% of legislators have a similar undergraduate education)

Attorney: Yes
(27% of legislators are attorneys)

Military: Non-Military
(84% of legislators have a similar military background)

Occupation: Lawyers / Attorney, Terry Kilgore Attorney at Law PLLC
(21% of legislators have a similar occupation)

Stocks/Investments: Between $10,001 and $100,000
(17% of legislators have similar value of stocks/investments)

Real Estate: Owns property that generates rental income or used for business
(38% of legislators have similar real estate holdings)