Vasu Reddy


Vasu Reddy is affiliated with the following clients:

  • National Women's Law Center

    Registered: 5/3/2024

    Matters: HB 990/SB 370: Prohibiting employer seeking wage or salary history of prospective employees; wage or salary range transparency; cause of action. Prohibits a prospective employer from (i) seeking the wage or salary history of a prospective employee; (ii) relying on the wage or salary history of a prospective employee in determining the wages or salary the prospective employee is to be paid upon hire; (iii) relying on the wage or salary history of a prospective employee in considering the prospective employee for employment; (iv) refusing to interview, hire, employ, or promote a prospective employee or otherwise retaliating against a prospective employee for not providing wage or salary history; and (v) failing or refusing to disclose in each public and internal posting for each job, promotion, transfer, or other employment opportunity the wage, salary, or wage or salary range. The bill establishes a cause of action for an aggrieved prospective employee or employee and provides that an e

    Arrangement: Employed

    Director of State Policy for Workplace Justice

Contact Information

1350 I Street NW
Suite 700
Washington, VA 20005


Current as of May 12, 2024