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12,000 Virginians who died in combat honored at War Memorial ceremony

By LUCA POWELL, Richmond Times-Dispatch (Metered Paywall - 7 articles a month)

Charles T. Lewis went 80 years without recognition. But last month, that clerical mistake was corrected, and Lewis, a Norfolk soldier who died fighting in Normandy during World War II, finally had his name etched in the Virginia War Memorial’s glass Shrine of Memory. His legacy — and that of nearly 12,000 other Virginians who died in combat — was at the heart of the 68th Memorial Day Ceremony held by the Virginia War Memorial.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Data center boom takes central Virginia by storm with recent large-scale project approvals


Virginia is talking world domination — at least, when it comes to data centers. According to the Virginia Economic Development Project, the state hosts about 35% of the world’s hyperscale data center market, with the majority of those sites located in Northern Virginia. Now, all eyes on Central Virginia as it follows suit. If it feels like you’re hearing about new plans or proposals for data centers in the region almost every couple of weeks, that’s probably because you are.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Stoney talks economy, education during visit to Bristol

By DAVID MCGEE, Bristol Herald Courier (Metered Paywall - 15 articles a month)

Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney said residents of Southwest Virginia have more in common with residents of the capital city than one might think. Stoney, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor in the 2025 general election, visited Bristol and Abingdon last Friday. A former Secretary of the Commonwealth under Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Stoney also served as head of the state Democratic party.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Fairfax Co. schools staff eligible for maternity, paternity leave benefits starting this summer


Fairfax County Public Schools teachers and staff will be eligible to get maternity or paternity leave starting July 1. School Board Member Melanie Meren said Virginia’s largest school district is expected to learn more details about the county’s program this summer. Information on human resources-related matters is usually shared in July, she said. … The maternity and paternity leave, Meren said, gives the district an added recruitment advantage.

VaNews May 28, 2024

How a simple fix could double the size of the U.S. electricity grid

By SHANNON OSAKA, Washington Post (Metered Paywall - 3 articles a month)

There is one big thing holding the United States back from a pollution-free electricity grid running on wind, solar and battery power: not enough power lines. As developers rush to install wind farms and solar plants to power data centers, AI systems and electric vehicles, the nation’s sagging, out-of-date power lines are getting overwhelmed — slowing the transition to clean energy and the fight against climate change.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Tennessee gives this hospital monopoly, which operates in SW Va., an A grade — even when it reports failure


A Tennessee agency that is supposed to hold accountable and grade the nation’s largest state-sanctioned hospital monopoly awards full credit on dozens of quality-of-care measurements as long as it reports any value — regardless of how its hospitals actually perform. Ballad Health, a 20-hospital system in northeast Tennessee and southwest Virginia, has received A grades and an annual stamp of approval from the Tennessee Department of Health. This has occurred as Ballad hospitals consistently fall short of performance targets established by the state, according to health department documents.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Bill and Hillary Clinton to headline Virginia fundraiser for Biden, hosted by McAuliffe


President Biden and former President Clinton will team up for a mega fundraiser inside the Beltway in late June, hosted by former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, Axios has learned. The event will be the third iteration of a successful fundraising formula that includes an evening with two (or three) Democratic presidents for the price of one. Scheduled for June 18, it follows the “three president” extravaganza in New York in April and a planned event with Biden, Clinton and former President Obama in mid-June in Los Angeles, hosted by George Clooney. The New York event brought in $26 million for Biden’s re-election effort.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Trump endorses Cao for GOP Senate nomination

By CARDINAL STAFF, Cardinal News

Former President Donald Trump has endorsed Hung Cao for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination in Virginia to oppose Democratic incumbent Tim Kaine. In a Sunday post on the social media site Truth Social, Trump announced his “complete and total endorsement” of Cao, a retired military officer from Loudon County, over four other Republicans.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Loudoun Supervisors Advance Work-Group Approach to Dulles Airport Noise


Residents near Dulles Airport raising concerns about noise from aircraft overflights might have a chance at some relief after the Board of Supervisors on Thursday voted to move forward with a process to propose mitigation options to the Federal Aviation Administration. The action is the latest in a series of efforts by county leaders to address the concerns of community members. In January 2023, the board directed the staff to open a dialogue with the FAA and in February sent a letter to the FAA seeking assistance in mitigating the noise. After being unable to open regular correspondence with the FAA, the board hired Vianair Consulting in June last year to help with that process.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Yancey: Senate candidate thinks driving to Abingdon is time wasted. Here’s why it’s not.

By DWAYNE YANCEY, Cardinal News

Gov. Glenn Youngkin last week got to experience some of the things that make the western part of Virginia unique. First he couldn’t fly into Wise County for a speaking engagement because a cloud was sitting on top of the mountaintop airport. Instead, his state plane diverted to Abingdon and the governor took a 49-mile ride to the town of Wise. His police escort couldn’t clear away one obstacle, though: a 100-ton boulder that, loosened by overnight rains, had fallen onto the road. The governor persevered, though. Even though he was running late due to the elements, he made all of his scheduled events last Thursday in Southwest Virginia ...

VaNews May 28, 2024