How the General Assembly Plans to Spend $4.3 Billion
The House of Delegates and Senate both passed a budget yesterday that allocates $4.3 billion in federal funding from the American Rescue Plan. While the Governor still needs to add his signature, here’s a full breakdown of how the legislature plans to spend almost $3.2 billion, with the rest being reserved for future COVID-19 relief. The primary changes from the Governor’s proposed budget last week are an increase in one-time bonuses to sheriffs and regional jail officers, as well as additional funding for gun violence prevention programs.
Budget Item Details
- Deposit into the Unemployment Trust Fund; $862,000,000
- Initiatives to improve claimant services, which include IT modernization, call center staff, adjudication officers, and security personnel; $73,600,000
- Dept. of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) - Part 1 of a $700 million appropriation for the development of broadband infrastructure in the state. The remaining funds will come from Capital Project Fund dollars in the American Rescue Plan; $479,000,000
- DHCD - New Line Extension Customer Assistance Program (LECAP) to help extend broadband service to customers that cannot afford to pay for the cost of running lines from the transmission box to their homes. (Internet service providers only cover 150 feet); $8,000,000
- Dept. of General Services - Additional support to coordinate land use transactions involving broadband expansion projects on public land; $500,000
- DEQ - Combined Sewer Overflow - Richmond ($50 m.), Lynchburg ($25 m.), Alexandria ($50 m.); $125,000,000
- DEQ - Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades; $100,000,000
- Dept. of Environmental Quality (DEQ)- Septic, straight pipe, and sewer collection system repair, replacement, and upgrade; $75,000,000
- Va. Dept. of Health - well and septic systems improvements for homeowners at or below 200% of the federal poverty level; $5,750,000
- Direct Aid - Address ventilation needs in K-12 public school facilities, a dollar-for-dollar local match is required; $250,000,000
- Virginia Museum of Fine Arts - Replace remaining outdated air handling units; $5,000,000
- Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation - upgrade the ventilation systems ; $2,000,000
- Rebuild Virginia - small business grant program; $250,000,000
- Dept. of Military Affairs (DMA) - Readiness Centers (armories) HVAC Improvements and Emergency Medical Response Suites ; $50,000,000
- DMAS - increase Medicaid nursing home per diem funding from $15 to $20; $31,148,676
- VDH - Facility Infrastructure at Central Office and Local Health Depts.; $30,000,000
- VDH - Targeted community outreach in hard to reach communities harmed by COVID-19; $20,000,000
- DBVI - renovate the Virginia Industries for the Blind (VIB) Facility; $11,500,000
- Veterans Care Centers Shortfall; $10,270,354
- VDH - Electronic Health Records at Central Office and Local Health Depts.; $10,000,000
- VDH - Modernization of administrative systems and software; $10,000,000
- VDH - Automate Records Management System; $10,000,000
- Dept. of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) - Eligibility redeterminations, client appeals and admin. backlogs due to COVID-19; $10,000,000
- Va. Dept. of Health (VDH) - broadband and network connectivity at local health departments; $8,000,000
- Department of Housing and Community Development to create a dedicated lead abatement program for residential properties with children; $3,750,000
- Legal Aid funding for eviction cases - Directly to Legal Services Corporation of Virginia; $2,500,000
- Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services at the Department of General Services for customer service upgrades and improvements to the Laboratory Information Management System; $2,285,000
- Va. Dept of Emergency Management - COVID-19 Virginia Emergency Support Team - operates the Virginia Emergency Operations Center; $1,393,085
- VDH - Public Oral Health Taskforce; $1,000,000
- Dept. of Social Services - Support for Trauma Informed Community Network (TICN) - trauma informed trainings and resources ; $1,000,000
- Dept. for the Blind & Vision Impaired (DBVI) - Creation of outdoor multi-use pavilion space at main campus; $600,000
- DMA -Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Safety Supplies; $529,000
- Dept. of Aging and Rehabilitative Services - Grants for HVAC/air quality systems & plant improvements in Assisted Living Facilities serving Auxiliary Grant recipients; $528,300
- DBVI - Central office ventilation upgrades; $450,000
- Needs-based financial aid (Public Institutions); $100,000,000
- Northern Virginia Community College capital projects - Nursing expansion $25 million; Trades Programs $15 million; $40,000,000
- Needs-based financial aid (Private Institutions); $11,000,000
- Online Virginia Network Authority - online degree and credential programs; $10,000,000
- State Corporation Commission - Continues utility assistance program to provide bill relief for residential customers with accounts over 60 days in arrears; $120,000,000
- DBHDS - Fund HVAC and water projects at state facilities; $50,000,000
- Dept. of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services (DBHDS) - $45 million for direct care staff at state facilities; $45,000,000
- DBHDS - Community crisis system - mobile crisis, crisis receiving facilities, "Marcus" mental health alert system; $10,000,000
- DBHDS - Permanent supportive housing in Northern Virginia; $5,000,000
- DBHDS - Expand dementia pilot program for facility patient discharges; $1,650,000
- DBHDS - Purchase personal protective equipment at state facilities; $1,200,000
- Dept. of Criminal Justice Services - "Marcus" mental health Alert Training for LEO & Dispatcher; $1,000,000
- Compensation Board, provides $33.1million for a $3,000 bonus for sworn officers in Sheriffs Departments and Regional Jails; $33,179,883
- Dept. of Corrections (DOC) - COVID testing in correctional facilities and PPE; $31,494,724
- DOC - Provides $23.5 million for a $3,000 bonus for DOC correctional officers and law enforcement staff; $23,550,248
- VSP - $20 million to provide bonuses and relocation expenses. Includes bonuses of $5,000, compression and retention bonuses and reimbursement of relocation expenses of up to $2,000.; $20,000,000
- DOC - Rate increases for medical contractors and five full-time positions to support COVID project management activities; $1,618,086
- Va. State Police (VSP) - Live Scan fingerprinting machines replacement; $1,380,000
- DJJ - Hazard pay for probation and security staff and sign-on bonus for cafeteria and janitorial workers; $638,140
- Dept. of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) - COVID-19 funding; $410,000
- Capitol Police - provides $375,000 for the Capitol Police to address security concerns at the seat of government.; $375,000
- DOC - Personal Protective Equipment -Lawrenceville Correctional Center; $45,000
- Virginia Tourism Authority - Marketing and incentive support, which includes a grant program for local destination marketing organizations; $50,000,000
- Fort Monroe Authority to construct the First Landing Monument to commemorate the 400-year anniversary of the First Landing of Africans at Point Comfort; $6,000,000
- Virginia Tourism Authority and the Virginia African American Cultural Center in the City of Virginia to collaborate and develop cultural content; $1,000,000
- Museum of African-American History and Culture in Harrisonburg; $250,000
- Va. Dept. of Health - safe drinking water for small & disadvantaged community waterworks; $50,000,000
- Dept. of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)- Outdoor Recreation Area Maintenance and Construction; $25,000,000
- DCR - Fairfax County trail system connections at Lake Royal Park.; $1,000,000
- Dept. of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) -Expand the Virginia Removal or Rehabilitation of Derelict Structures Fund to provide grants for the redevelopment of vacant, deteriorated commercial properties; $22,500,000
- DBHDS - Grants for Virginia Association of Recovery Residences to serve individuals with substance use disorder; $10,000,000
- Va. Dept. of Health - Suicide and substance misuse prevention; $5,000,000
- DBHDS - Expand community-based substance use disorder treatment; $5,000,000
- Dept. of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) - Services for Victims of Crime; $12,199,930
- Office of the Attorney General - Gun Violence Reduction Programs; $2,500,000
- DCJS - one-time grants to groups providing community-based gun violence reduction or youth and gang violence intervention programming; $2,500,000
- DCJS - Sexual & Domestic Violence Victim Fund; $1,000,000
- DCJS - City of Hampton Crime Prevention; $800,000
- Dept. Forensic Science - Purchase additional NIBIN equipment; $505,375
- Va. Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Food Access and Healthcare partnership, development of a shelf-stable food purchase program, and purchase of food from local farmers through the VA Farm to VA Families Food Box Program; $14,600,000
- Support for the expansion of early voting among localities, including Sunday voting; $3,000,000
- Voter education and outreach by the Department of Elections; $1,500,000
- Dept. of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) -Expand Virginia Main Street Program to support businesses and downtown main streets with recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic; $4,000,000
- Direct Aid - Support workforce and college prep programs in Portsmouth Public Schools; $800,000
- Direct Aid - Expand An Achievable Dream program in Henrico County; $500,000
- Direct Aid - Enhance CTE program at Fredericksburg Public Schools; $500,000
- Direct Aid - Support tutoring and mentoring programs in Sussex and Greensville Counties; $200,000
- Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to hire a consultant to scope needs in state agencies for language access services; $500,000
House Appropriations Line by Line Summary of HB 7001
Legislative Information Systems Conference Report HB 7001
Senate Finance Overview of HB 7001 Conference Report
- Tags:
- Legislation
Aug. 10, 2021