Chesapeake: One Step Ahead
The City of Chesapeake appears to be the only Virginia locality that recorded for posterity results of the 2020 presidential election at the precinct level. Record-setting early voting in November made it impossible to know how well candidates did in each neighborhood. That's because localities tabluate early ballots in a 'central absentee precinct' -- not the precinct where the voter lives. But Chesapeake set up its ballots in a way that enabled it to assign early votes back to the proper precincts.
Move the slider to see the overall votes by precinct.
Overall Votes
Biden | 55% |
Trump | 44% |
Jorgensen | 2% |
Election Day
Biden | 35% |
Trump | 63% |
Jorgensen | 3% |
Source: Virginia Department of Elections and Chesapeake Electoral Board
Dec. 15, 2020