Key Redistricting Votes

How eight legislative members recently named to the Redistricting Commission voted on key bills that will guide the panel's work.

2019 2020 2020 2020
Redistricting Amendment
Redistricting Amendment
Map Criteria
Commission Procedures
Del. Delores McQuinn,
Del. Marcus Simon,
Del. Les Adams,
Del. Margaret Ransone,
Sen. Mamie Locke,
Sen. George Barker,
Sen. Steve Newman,
Sen. Ryan McDougle,

Floor Votes

HJ615: Measure that would put a vote to amend the state constitution before voters. Passage required in two consecutive years. Conference Committee vote; House: 83-Y 15-N on February 23, 2019; Senate: 40-Y 0-N on February 23, 2019.

SJ18: Second required measure to put a referendum vote to amend the state constitution on the November 2020 ballot. Final passage; House: 54-Y 46-N on March 3, 2020; Senate 38Y-2N on February 11, 2020

SB717: This bill determined the factors that the Redistricting Commission can consider when drawing maps. Also called for incarcerated persons to be counted at their last known address, not where they are being held. Final passage; House: 54-Y 46-N on February 26, 2020; Senate: 21-Y 17-N on February 28, 2020.

SB203: This measure was a comprehensive guide (including district criteria included in SB717) for how the Commission would operate and set out a guide for the State Supreme Court, should the legislature not agree on maps. House passed version 86-Y 13-N on February 26, 2020; Senate version passed 21-Y 19-N on February 11, 2020. SB 203 failed when the General Assembly was unable to come to agreement. The criteria later passed as part of SB217 and the other rules were adopted in November 2020 as part of the Governor's budget amendments.

Source:Division of Legislative Services

Dec. 29, 2020