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ZIP codes 20146, 20147, 20149

Postal codes 20146 and 20149 do not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed these ZIP codes with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 20147.

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1,918 Donors Gave $4,158,032

Amount Donor ZIP
$35,085 Kunkel, John 20147
$33,277 Baker, Miller 20147
$32,150 Nukta, Fadi 20147
$26,640 Glass, Sylvia 20147
$25,841 Friends of Greason for Fairfax County School Board - Tag 20147
$24,750 Karamsetty, Pardha Sardhi 20147
$24,360 Weiler, Todd 20147
$22,171 Ko, Andrew Lee 20147
$21,750 Boojala, Bhuvanesh 20147
$21,743 Maistros, Robert P 20147
$20,556 Sarma, Amitabha 20147
$19,300 Vantage Construction Corp 20147
$19,035 Modern Mechanical LLC 20147
$18,653 Tondreau, Mary A 20147
$18,357 Staton, David Michael Jr 20147
$17,650 Buona, Ralph 20147
$17,350 Rubin, Lynn 20147
$16,750 Republican Integrity PAC 20147
$16,456 Roopnarine for Loudoun County Treasurer - Robin 20147
$15,381 Staton, Michelle 20147

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