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ZIP codes 20146, 20147, 20149

Postal codes 20146 and 20149 do not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed these ZIP codes with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 20147.

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1,918 Donors Gave $4,158,032

Amount Donor ZIP
$14,810 Mowbray, David C 20147
$14,500 ESI Total Fuel Management 20147
$13,819 Va Investment Partnership LLC 20147
$13,500 Merritt Holdings LLC 20147
$13,440 Rice, Douglas 20147
$13,320 Hart, Rebecca 20147
$13,250 Stephen Clouse & Associates 20147
$13,089 Subramanyam, Suhas 20147
$12,902 Gagen, Sean William 20147
$12,114 Harris, Charles A 20147
$12,100 Puccio, Edward V 20147
$12,042 Democratic Party - 10th Congressional District Federal Account 20147
$11,590 Ford's Fish Shack 20147
$11,250 Somireddy Law Group PLLC 20147
$11,250 Thompson, Fred D Jr 20147
$11,066 Potucek, Guy 20147
$11,000 Huebbers, Rodney N 20147
$10,875 Azarcon, Januario G 20147
$10,708 Lockwood, Eleanor J 20147
$10,500 Allied Cleaning Services Corp 20147

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