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ZIP codes 20190, 20195

Postal code 20195 does not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed this ZIP code with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 20190.

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1,079 Donors Gave $7,085,941

Amount Donor ZIP
$50 Bonar, Aaron 20190
$50 Ed-Tech Group 20190
$50 Wilan, Andrew 20190
$50 Kalmus, Sheldon 20195
$50 Stauffer, Ralph 20190
$50 Loria, Mark 20190
$50 Ferguson, Linda 20190
$50 Bennett, Susan 20190
$50 Van Over, Joelle 20190
$50 Bengali, Zain 20190
$48 Namm, Joan 20190
$40 Leitner, Marilyn 20190
$40 Talmadge, Joseph 20190
$40 Ernst, Don 20190
$40 Bayliss, Paula 20195
$40 DeSantis, Joan E 20190
$35 Thomas, Nancy 20190
$35 Rodriquez, Ann B 20190
$31 Rally, Kim 20190
$30 Palmer, Craig A 20190

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