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ZIP codes 20191, 20192, 20196

Postal codes 20192 and 20196 do not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed these ZIP codes with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 20191.

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1,310 Donors Gave $22,871,507

Amount Donor ZIP
$36,025 Harbour, Todd 20191
$35,465 Schuler, Thomas C 20191
$34,581 Farrell, John W 20191
$29,541 American Legacy PAC 20191
$28,260 Rapking, Caroline H 20191
$27,819 Deniston, Hanh 20191
$27,500 Qlarion 20191
$26,830 Dulles Area Democrats 20191
$26,632 Plum, Ken 20191
$26,380 Plave, Lee J 20191
$25,925 Penniman, William 20191
$25,000 Ferouz, Steve 20191
$24,350 Hyland, Cynthia 20191
$22,200 Boryczka, Margaret K 20191
$19,500 Charron, David 20191
$19,110 Pan, James 20191
$17,868 Burdette, Robyn C 20191
$17,500 Artel Inc 20191
$17,485 Thorne, Judith Zimmerman 20191
$17,381 Fagelson, John L 20191

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