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ZIP codes 20191, 20192, 20196

Postal codes 20192 and 20196 do not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed these ZIP codes with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 20191.

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1,310 Donors Gave $22,871,507

Amount Donor ZIP
$15 Slater, Richard 20191
$15 Whalen, David 20191
$15 Clark, Deborah 20191
$15 Elliott, C Wayne 20191
$10 Lanzone, Deborah 20191
$10 O'Toole, Elizabeth 20191
$5 Orniff, Judi 20191
$0 Ignosh & Associates Inc 20191
$0 Farouq, Umer 20191
$-395 Hauth for Delegate - Shyamali 20191

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