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ZIP codes 22030, 22038

Postal code 22038 does not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed this ZIP code with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 22030.

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468 Donors Gave $1,401,380

Amount Donor ZIP
$75 Derr, Stanley 22030
$70 Sheldon, Jonathan 22030
$65 Beriss, Marvin 22030
$60 Stein, Victor 22030
$57 McBride, James 22030
$55 Afshar, Karim 22030
$50 Gallagher, Patricia A 22030
$50 Muttardy, Alphecca 22030
$50 Horizon Chiropractic Clinic 22030
$50 Scibilia, Diane 22030
$50 Pinney, William R 22030
$50 Dillon, Kevin L 22030
$50 Guest-Bakker, Janelle 22030
$50 Mallon, Sean 22030
$50 Higginbotham, Ginger 22030
$50 Ace Chiropractic Clinic Inc 22030
$50 Lyon, Gail C 22030
$50 Yoo, Jeannine 22030
$50 Nguyen Woodruff, Natalie 22030
$30 Robinson, Matthew Larry 22030

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