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ZIP codes 22030, 22038

Postal code 22038 does not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed this ZIP code with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 22030.

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2,641 Donors Gave $15,579,266

Amount Donor ZIP
$54,500 Fairfax Commonsense PAC 22030
$54,182 Descano for Fairfax County Commonwealth's Attorney - Steve 22030
$51,056 Rust for Delegate - John 22038
$50,186 Alan J Zuccari Inc 22030
$49,950 Major Incident Heavy Recovery Operators Assn 22030
$49,927 Stevens, Craig R 22030
$49,600 Yi for Delegate - Sang 22038
$48,840 Chadwick Washington 22030
$46,650 Iron Ox Consulting 22030
$46,300 Ayyadurai, Wordsworth 22030
$44,661 Service Employees International Union - Local 512 22030
$43,663 Miller, Lynn D 22030
$43,500 Conservative Victory Committee 22030
$41,655 Vanguard Research 22030
$39,333 Harrison Lee Joint Venture 22038
$39,319 Chess, Taylor O 22030
$38,987 Smyth for Fairfax County Board of Supervisors - Linda 22038
$38,909 Herndon Centre (Phase III) LP 22030
$38,250 Equity Homes 22030
$37,451 Cook for Fairfax County Supervisor - John 22030

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