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ZIP codes 22067, 22102

Postal code 22067 does not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed this ZIP code with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 22102.

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417 Donors Gave $1,786,631

Amount Donor ZIP
$125 Barrios, Jose 22102
$120 Woody, Michelle 22102
$120 Chinisaz, Firouzeh 22102
$100 Brown, Scott Wesley 22102
$100 Totonji, Iman 22102
$100 Hashemi, Yassaman 22102
$100 Williams, Kohann H 22102
$100 Larmer, Kay 22102
$100 Van Vechten, Deborah 22102
$100 Tumavick, Nancy 22102
$100 Bazaz, Malini 22102
$100 Tyler, Clark 22102
$100 Lansaw, Julie 22102
$100 Masters, Michael C 22102
$100 Esposito, Mark 22102
$100 Burkert, Katharine 22102
$100 Lafhal, Amal 22102
$100 Mertens, Michael A 22102
$100 Trauernicht, Catharine W 22102
$100 Golshan, Kazem 22102

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