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ZIP codes 23218, 23219, 23241, 23274, 23291, 23292, 23293, 23298

Postal codes 23218, 23241, 23274, 23291, 23292, 23293 and 23298 do not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed these ZIP codes with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 23219.

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1,397 Donors Gave $423,426,953

Amount Donor ZIP
$1,065 NiCHe LNG LLC 23219
$2 Lockard, Sydney 23219
$20 Gomes, Sheanna 23219
$1,250 Hemphill, Robin R 23219
$2,590 McClure, Adele 23219
$125 Kenneth, Ashley C 23219
$7,500 Helium Studio 23219
$1,600 Cosby, Kimberly 23219
$700 Whaley, David 23219
$250 McNeil, Andrew 23219
$500 Davis, Devika 23219
$1,830 GRS Title Services LLC 23219
$1,384 Creasey, Scott 23219
$1,000 Josephberg, Robert H 23219
$25,676 Cannabis Business Assn of Va 23219
$250 Richardson, Ford 23219
$1,250 Jackson, Brent 23219
$500 Seyfarth, Charles 23219
$250 Wingfield, Kyle 23219
$1,350 Hill, Braxton 23219

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