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ZIP codes 23220, 23232, 23260, 23261, 23269, 23276, 23278, 23282, 23284, 23285, 23286, 23290

Postal codes 23232, 23260, 23261, 23269, 23276, 23278, 23282, 23284, 23285, 23286 and 23290 do not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed these ZIP codes with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 23220.

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47 Donors Gave $423,884

Amount Donor ZIP
$192,093 Adams for Delegate - Dawn 23260
$75,720 Jones for Richmond City Council - Michael 23260
$43,535 Woody for Richmond City Sheriff - Clarence 23260
$29,250 Adams for Senate - Dawn 23260
$18,800 Signet Bank of Va 23260
$16,503 Baskerville for Lt Governor - Viola 23260
$6,950 Harrell, Henry H 23260
$5,900 McClenney Wallace PC 23260
$5,000 North Falls Master Tenant LLC 23260
$2,887 Salomon Inc 23260
$2,775 Cape, Steven 23260
$2,500 Fountain Real Estate LLC 23260
$2,500 Coffey, Regan 23260
$1,823 Reformer for Mayor 23260
$1,800 Crenshaw, Gordon L 23260
$1,623 Friends of Thornton 23260
$1,500 Harris, David 23260
$1,466 Moon, Enjoli 23260
$1,300 Alliant Consortium 23260
$1,250 Nelson for Henrico County Supervisor - Tyrone 23260

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