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ZIP codes 23501, 23510, 23514

Postal codes 23501 and 23514 do not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed these ZIP codes with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 23510.

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45 Donors Gave $273,552

Amount Donor ZIP
$49,690 McCabe for Norfolk Sheriff - Robert 23514
$43,500 Propeller Club of the US Port of Norfolk 23514
$38,498 Baron for Norfolk City Sheriff - Joe 23514
$30,823 McCabe for Norfolk Mayor - Bob 23514
$22,310 Friends of Sheriff Robert J. McCabe 23514
$17,888 Underwood for Norfolk Commonwealths Attorney - Gregory 23514
$15,500 Pembroke Boulevard LLC 23514
$12,500 Patricia and Douglas Perry Foundation 23514
$8,289 Move Hampton Roads 23514
$5,000 Ecufin Investment Holdings 23514
$3,650 Tidewater Motor Truck Assn Inc 23514
$3,250 Allmond for Delegate - Yvonne 23514
$3,152 Doyle for Commonwealth Attorney of Norfolk - Jack 23514
$2,700 Paradise Point Marine Inc 23514
$1,900 Norfolk Sheriff Office Deputy Fund 23514
$1,504 Protogyrou for Senate - Andrew 23514
$1,250 Edward, Russell C 23514
$1,250 Waterside Marina 23514
$1,153 Protogyrou for Norfolk Mayor - Andy 23514
$1,150 Dominion Capital Management Inc 23514

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