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ZIP codes 24019, 24050

Postal code 24050 does not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed this ZIP code with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 24019.

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77 Donors Gave $476,272

Amount Donor ZIP
$200 894 Properties LLC 24019
$170 Bean, Chrystal 24019
$150 Clark, Rebecca C 24019
$150 Owen, Ralph 24019
$150 Graybill, John 24019
$130 Turner, Stephen 24019
$125 Merian, Rina 24019
$125 Dean, Helen B 24019
$120 Seib, Kay 24019
$110 Pissanos, Nick 24019
$100 Harper, Jane 24019
$68 Ryder, Thomas Joel 24019
$50 Merian, Jeffrey 24019
$50 Kelly, Ray 24019
$50 Zackmann, Craig 24019
$46 Dooley, Michael S 24019
$7 Simmons, Curtis 24019

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