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34 felony counts and one big loser: us

Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial (Metered Paywall - 7 articles a month)

Four years ago last week, George Floyd was lying on a street corner in Minneapolis taking his last gasps of breath with a white cop’s left knee dug deep into his neck. Despite pleas from Floyd and bystanders, who recorded the brutality in real time with their cellphones, the police officer, Derek Chauvin, defiantly continued suffocating his helpless, handcuffed victim — for nine minutes. Videos of Floyd’s murder went viral, literally setting the streets on fire as an untreatable coronavirus spread and shuttered much of the country. Meanwhile, our political leaders were using the protests and the pandemic — which would claim 1.1 million American lives — to sow division and fear. Four years and an insurrection attempt later, the country is somehow even more divided, more angry and more volatile.

VaNews June 3, 2024

Schapiro: A clue to a soon-past governor’s future

By JEFF E. SCHAPIRO, Richmond Times-Dispatch (Metered Paywall - 7 articles a month)

Maybe it’s a throwaway, but there’s a line in an email invitation to Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s forthcoming, high-dollar fundraisers that suggests — his steady descent into lame duck-dom, notwithstanding — he intends to stay in politics after his term ends in 14 months. “Movements aren’t bound by any term of office or time frame, and the work to make Virginia the best place to live, work and raise a family continues to this day,” read the email from Lili Gonzalez, deputy finance director of the Youngkin political action committee, Spirit of Virginia.

VaNews June 3, 2024