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Employees of local governments; collective bargaining.


Chief Patron:
Elizabeth Guzman (D)

2020 Regular Session


As Passed House of Origin. Collective bargaining for public employees.

Repeals the existing prohibition on collective bargaining by public employees. The measure creates the Public Employee Relations Board, which will determine appropriate bargaining units and provide for certification and decertification elections for exclusive bargaining representatives of state employees and local government employees. The measure requires public employers and employee organizations that are exclusive bargaining representatives to meet at reasonable times to negotiate in good faith with respect to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. The measure repeals a provision enacted in 2013 that declares that, in any procedure providing for the designation, selection, or authorization of a labor organization to represent employees, the right of an individual employee to vote by secret ballot is a fundamental right that shall be guaranteed from infringement. (Less)
  • Bill History

  • 01/06/2020 - House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/08/20 20104418D
  • 01/06/2020 - House: Referred to Committee on Labor and Commerce
  • 01/28/2020 - House: Impact statement from DPB (HB582)
  • 01/28/2020 - House: House committee, floor amendments and substitutes offered
  • 01/28/2020 - House: Committee substitute printed 20106939D-H1
  • 01/28/2020 - House: Incorporates HB327 (Levine)
  • 01/28/2020 - House: Reported from Labor and Commerce with substitute (12-Y 9-N)
  • 01/28/2020 - House: Referred to Committee on Appropriations
  • 01/29/2020 - House: House committee, floor amendments and substitutes offered
  • 01/29/2020 - House: Reported from Appropriations with amendments (12-Y 8-N)
  • 01/31/2020 - House: Read first time
  • 02/03/2020 - House: Read second time
  • 02/03/2020 - House: Committee substitute on Labor and Commerce agreed to 20106939D-H1
  • 02/03/2020 - House: Committee on Appropriations amendments agreed to
  • 02/03/2020 - House: Passed by for the day
  • 02/04/2020 - House: Passed by for the day
  • 02/05/2020 - House: Impact statement from DPB (HB582H1)
  • 02/05/2020 - House: Impact statement from DHCD/CLG (HB582)
  • 02/05/2020 - House: Read second time
  • 02/05/2020 - House: Motion to pass by Delegate O'Quinn's amendments temporarily agreed to
  • 02/05/2020 - House: Amendments #3 and #4 by Delegate Simon withdrawn
  • 02/05/2020 - House: Amendments #1, #2, #5 and #6 by Delegate Simon agreed to
  • 02/05/2020 - House: Amendments by Delegate Simon agreed to
  • 02/05/2020 - House: Amendments by Delegate O'Quinn withdrawn
  • 02/05/2020 - House: Pending question ordered
  • 02/05/2020 - House: Engrossed by House - committee substitute with amendments HB582EH1
  • 02/05/2020 - House: Printed as engrossed 20106939D-EH1
  • 02/06/2020 - House: Impact statement from DPB (HB582EH1)
  • 02/06/2020 - House: Read third time and passed House (54-Y 45-N)
  • 02/06/2020 - House: VOTE: Passage (54-Y 45-N)   Close Floor Vote
  • 02/07/2020 - Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed
  • 02/07/2020 - Senate: Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor
  • 02/24/2020 - Senate: Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (12-Y 3-N)
  • 02/24/2020 - Senate: Committee substitute printed 20109070D-S1
  • 02/24/2020 - Senate: Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations
  • 03/02/2020 - Senate: Reported from Finance and Appropriations (8-Y 3-N)
  • 03/04/2020 - Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed (40-Y 0-N)
  • 03/05/2020 - Senate: Read third time
  • 03/05/2020 - Senate: Reading of substitute waived
  • 03/05/2020 - Senate: Committee substitute agreed to 20109070D-S1
  • 03/05/2020 - Senate: Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute HB582S1
  • 03/05/2020 - Senate: Passed Senate with substitute (21-Y 19-N)   Close Floor Vote
  • 03/05/2020 - House: Senate substitute agreed to by House 20109070D-S1 (52-Y 46-N)
  • 03/05/2020 - House: VOTE: Adoption (52-Y 46-N)   Close Floor Vote
  • 03/05/2020 - House: Reconsideration of Senate substitute agreed to by House
  • 03/05/2020 - House: Senate substitute rejected by House 20109070D-S1 (0-Y 97-N)
  • 03/05/2020 - House: VOTE: REJECTED #2 (0-Y 97-N)
  • 03/05/2020 - Senate: Senate insisted on substitute (22-Y 18-N)   Close Floor Vote
  • 03/05/2020 - Senate: Senate requested conference committee
  • 03/05/2020 - House: House acceded to request
  • 03/05/2020 - House: Conferees appointed by House
  • 03/05/2020 - House: Delegates: Guzman, Krizek, Knight
  • 03/05/2020 - Senate: Conferees appointed by Senate
  • 03/05/2020 - Senate: Senators: Saslaw, Barker, Norment
  • 03/07/2020 - Conference: Amended by conference committee
  • 03/07/2020 - House: Conference substitute printed 20109911D-H2
  • 03/07/2020 - House: Conference report agreed to by House (53-Y 46-N)
  • 03/07/2020 - House: VOTE: Adoption (53-Y 46-N)   Close Floor Vote
  • 03/08/2020 - Senate: Conference report agreed to by Senate (21-Y 18-N)   Close Floor Vote
  • 03/18/2020 - House: Enrolled
  • 03/18/2020 - House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB582ER)
  • 03/18/2020 - Senate: Signed by President
  • 03/19/2020 - House: Signed by Speaker
  • 03/20/2020 - House: Impact statement from DPB (HB582ER)
  • 03/20/2020 - House: Enrolled Bill communicated to Governor on March 20, 2020
  • 03/20/2020 - Governor: Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., April 11, 2020
  • 04/11/2020 - House: Governor's recommendation received by House
  • 04/22/2020 - House: Placed on Calendar
  • 04/22/2020 - House: House concurred in Governor's recommendation (49-Y 44-N)
  • 04/22/2020 - House: VOTE: (49-Y 44-N)   Close Floor Vote
  • 04/22/2020 - Senate: Senate concurred in Governor's recommendation (20-Y 20-N)   Close Floor Vote
  • 04/22/2020 - Senate: Chair votes Yes
  • 04/22/2020 - Governor: Governor's recommendation adopted
  • 04/22/2020 - House: Reenrolled
  • 04/22/2020 - House: Reenrolled bill text (HB582ER2)
  • 04/22/2020 - House: Signed by Speaker as reenrolled
  • 04/22/2020 - Senate: Signed by President as reenrolled
  • 04/22/2020 - House: Enacted, Chapter 1209 (effective 5/1/21)
  • 04/22/2020 - Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP1209)