Hala Ayala

Hala Ayala served in the House of Delegates from 2018 to 2021 (HD51).

Donors by Occupation: Labor - Miscellaneous

All Years
Amount Donor
$3,000 Amalgamated Transit Union Local 689
$135 Broder, David
$51,000 Carpenters Legislative Program of Greater Pennsylvania
$25,000 Communication Workers of America COPE
$4,000 Communication Workers of America - Local 2222
$20 Files, Caleb-Michael
$50 Fragale, Anthony
$250 International Union of Operating Eningeers - Local 77
$28,000 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
$10,000 Intl Brotherhood of Teamsters
$4,500 Intl Longshoremen's Assn Local 1248
$5,000 Intl Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craftsmen
$5,000 Intl Union of Operating Engineers
$15,500 Intl Union of Painters & Allied Trades
$3,500 Ironworkers Political Education Fund
$50 Long, Michael
$5,000 Machinists Non-Partisan Political League
$38,805 Mid-Atlantic Laborers' Political Education Fund
$500 Mid-Atlantic Pipe Trades Assn
$54,993 National Domestic Workers Alliance