Jennifer Carroll Foy

Jennifer Carroll Foy has served in the State Senate since 2024.
Also served in the House of Delegates from 2018 to 2020.
Currently represents State Senate District 33

Donors by Occupation: Miscellaneous Retail/Services

All Years
Amount Donor
$250 Cunningham, Mary Kate
$250 Curtis, W Keith
$250 Denning, Richard
$1,215 Hurlburt, Catherina
$100 Jenkins-Snodgrass, Kimberly
$225 Kaufman, Susan F
$1,000 Longtin, Marguerite
$100 McGinley, Brendan
$250 Nayak, Navin
$50 Seay, Eddie
$70 Spahr, Anne
$957 Williams, Eugene