51 of 51 precincts reporting (100%)
Official results from the Virginia Department of Elections
Rex Alphin (R)
2,841 39.14%
Emily Jordan (R)
4,418 60.86%

Results for 2017 House of Delegates - District 64 - Regular Primary

Franklin City

Precinct Alphin Jordan
101 - Precinct 1-1
73 (39.67%)
111 (60.33%)
201 - Precinct 2-1
51 (56.04%)
40 (43.96%)
601 - Precinct 6-1
44 (45.83%)
52 (54.17%)
Central Absentee Precinct
12 (66.67%)
6 (33.33%)
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)

Isle of Wight County

Precinct Alphin Jordan
101 - Smithfield
188 (39.58%)
287 (60.42%)
102 - Cypress Creek
153 (39.74%)
232 (60.26%)
201 - Bartlett
146 (33.18%)
294 (66.82%)
202 - Carrollton
159 (39.95%)
239 (60.05%)
301 - Rushmere
78 (39.39%)
120 (60.61%)
302 - Pons
67 (40.85%)
97 (59.15%)
401 - Courthouse
63 (47.73%)
69 (52.27%)
402 - Windsor
168 (53.16%)
148 (46.84%)
403 - Longview
73 (37.63%)
121 (62.37%)
501 - Walters
174 (68.50%)
80 (31.50%)
502 - Camps Mill
23 (62.16%)
14 (37.84%)
503 - Carrsville
44 (60.27%)
29 (39.73%)
504 - Zuni
126 (54.08%)
107 (45.92%)
505 - Raynor
36 (50.70%)
35 (49.30%)
Central Absentee Precinct
39 (50.65%)
38 (49.35%)
2 (33.33%)
4 (66.67%)

Prince George County

Precinct Alphin Jordan
101 - Richard Bland
56 (34.57%)
106 (65.43%)
102 - Templeton
69 (18.02%)
314 (81.98%)
103 - Union Branch
45 (21.74%)
162 (78.26%)
104 - Rives
9 (47.37%)
10 (52.63%)
105 - Harrison
27 (30.00%)
63 (70.00%)
201 - Bland
70 (19.55%)
288 (80.45%)
202 - Blackwater
64 (24.71%)
195 (75.29%)
203 - Brandon
35 (35.35%)
64 (64.65%)
204 - Courts Bldg
10 (25.64%)
29 (74.36%)
Central Absentee Precinct
17 (36.17%)
30 (63.83%)
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)

Southampton County

Precinct Alphin Jordan
101 - Berlin
66 (55.93%)
52 (44.07%)
102 - Ivor
69 (44.23%)
87 (55.77%)
302 - Sebrell
11 (45.83%)
13 (54.17%)
501 - Hunterdale
87 (45.79%)
103 (54.21%)
502 - Forks-Of-The-River
16 (61.54%)
10 (38.46%)
602 - Sedley
57 (55.88%)
45 (44.12%)
Central Absentee Precinct
11 (73.33%)
4 (26.67%)
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)

Suffolk City

Precinct Alphin Jordan
402 - Whaleyville
78 (31.71%)
168 (68.29%)
405 - Pittmantown
25 (37.31%)
42 (62.69%)
502 - Holland
109 (36.21%)
192 (63.79%)
Central Absentee Precinct
3 (30.00%)
7 (70.00%)
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)

Surry County

Precinct Alphin Jordan
101 - Surry
31 (26.05%)
88 (73.95%)
201 - Bacons Castle
25 (43.86%)
32 (56.14%)
302 - Walls Bridge
14 (60.87%)
9 (39.13%)
401 - Carsley
18 (30.51%)
41 (69.49%)
501 - Claremont
31 (38.75%)
49 (61.25%)
502 - Spring Grove
0 (0.00%)
11 (100.00%)
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)

Sussex County

Precinct Alphin Jordan
101 - Waverly
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
302 - Wakefield
14 (29.17%)
34 (70.83%)
401 - Mars Hill
14 (41.18%)
20 (58.82%)
601 - Blackwater
41 (61.19%)
26 (38.81%)
Central Absentee Precinct
0 (0.00%)
1 (100.00%)
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)