Bill Stanley

Bill Stanley Jr has served in the State Senate since 2012. Also served from 2011 to 2012.
Currently represents State Senate District 7
Select Year:

Floor Vote Participation 98%
Close Votes 264
Abstentions 1
Present but Not Voting 15
Changed Votes 0
Voting Unity
Republican Caucus 86%

Political Party: Republican
(49% of legislators are Republican)

Race: Caucasian
(70% of legislators are Caucasian)

Gender: Male
(65% of legislators are male)

Age: 56
(26% of legislators are 56-65)

Length of Service: Member since 2024; 12 years of service
(26% of legislators have served for 5-12 years)

Margin of Victory: Won by 10% or More
(58% of legislators had this margin of victory in their last General Assembly election)

Birth State: Florida
(50% of legislators were born outside of Virginia)

Region: District Office Area Code 434
(9% of legislators represent this region)

Education Level: Law Degree
(28% of legislators have similar education)

Undergrad Public / Private: Private University; Hampden-Sydney College
(39% of legislators have a similar undergraduate education)

Attorney: Yes
(27% of legislators are attorneys)

Military: Non-Military
(84% of legislators have a similar military background)

Occupation: Lawyers / Attorney, Stanley & Stanley
(21% of legislators have a similar occupation)

Stocks/Investments: Between $500,001 and $999,999
(11% of legislators have similar value of stocks/investments)

Real Estate: Owns property that generates rental income or used for business
(38% of legislators have similar real estate holdings)