Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Lobbyists Employed

  • Potts, Gregory

    600 5th St NW
    Washington, DC 20001


    Registered: 5/14/2021
    Matters: Funding and policy matters related to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
    Job title: Virginia Government Relations Officer

Entertainment Expenses $0
Gift Expenses $0
Communication Expenses $0
Personal Expenses $3,174
Gregory Potts
Honoraria Expenses $0
3/31/2022: Lease at 1207 East Main Street for period of 4/1/21 to 3/31/22
Total Expenses $34,350
Matters: Funding and policy matters related to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Principal contact for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority:

  • Regina Sullivan
    600 5th St NW
    Washington, DC 20001


Information on this page comes from public documents on file with the office of the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council.