Political Ads

US Representative District 5
"Message - Cameron Webb’s Radical Agenda"
Sponsor: Good for US Representative - Bob
Started Running: 10/1/2020
Impressions: 150K - 175K

Cameron Webb’s Radical Agenda:
- Government-run Healthcare
- Higher Taxes for Middle Class
- Defund the Police & Leave Crime Unchecked

I am a proven conservative leader who will protect our values and community. Vote early or in-person on November 3rd.

US Representative District 5
"Message - Everyone should be able to get a good job"
Sponsor: Webb for US Representative - Cameron
Started Running: 10/4/2020
Impressions: 634K - 797K

Having worked on the opportunity agenda in both the Obama and Trump White Houses, I saw firsthand how critical job training and vocational tech programs are for expanding opportunities for success in so many of our communities. Everyone should be able to get a good job—whether or not they went to college.

US Representative District 5
"Message - Healthcare costs are out of control"
Sponsor: Webb for US Representative - Cameron
Started Running: 10/4/2020
Impressions: 726K - 904K

Healthcare costs are out of control. I’ve had patients with insurance who avoided the hospital and necessary treatment out of fear of unaffordable and unexpected medical bills. In Congress, I’ll combine a responsible and compassionate role for government with free-market solutions. Together, we’ll bring health care costs down and keep Virginians healthy while keeping more money in their pockets.

US Representative District 5
"Message - Vote Down Ballot for Dr. Cameron Webb"
Sponsor: Webb for US Representative - Cameron
Started Running: 10/4/2020
Impressions: 200K - 243K

When filling out your ballot for the 2020 General Election, be sure to vote down ballot for Dr. Cameron Webb! Dr. Cameron Webb is the Democratic nominee for VA-05 and a healthcare champion with the proven experience to repair our broken healthcare system.