Political Ads

US President
"Donate - He's got our troops' backs"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 267K - 313K

Joe Biden got the funding for mine-resistant vehicles. He’s got our troops’ backs.

US President
"Donate - Our troops risk everything for this country"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 74K - 92K

Our troops risk everything for this country. And Joe Biden has always fought for them.

US President
"Donate - Seres Humanos Somos Todos"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 425K - 503K


US President
"Donate - Support Judge Amy Coney Barrett"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/14/2020
Impressions: 217K - 256K


Judge Barrett is a true Constitutionalist who is committed to upholding the rule of law, and President Trump is committed to seeing her Supreme Court confirmation through.

Confirming Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court is critical to Making America Great Again.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW for an 800%-MATCH and to fight for your Country.

US Representative District 2
"Message - Don't be fooled by Lyin' Luria"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 10/12/2020
Impressions: 18K - 24K

Lying Elaine Luria has been absent, ineffective, and unaccountable for two years, which is why she is running the most negative campaign in #Virginia
#WheresElaine ?

US President
"Message - Peaceful"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/12/2020
Impressions: 55K - 66K

After FOUR DECADES in the Washington Swamp, Joe Biden has accomplished nothing.

He’s just a washed-up, career politician being used as a PAWN by the Radical Left.

The fact is, Sleepy Joe is not the leader of his party. He is the helpless puppet of the Democrats.

Yikes. Does that sound like someone who’s ready to lead a Country?

Please donate now to show the President what you REALLY think about Joe Biden.

US President
"Survey - I'm Joe Biden and I Forgot This Message"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/12/2020
Impressions: 149K - 199K

After FOUR DECADES in the Washington Swamp, Joe Biden has accomplished nothing.

He’s just a washed-up, career politician being used as a PAWN by the Radical Left.

The fact is, Sleepy Joe is not the leader of his party. He is the helpless puppet of the Democrats.

Does that sound like someone who’s ready to lead a Country?

Please take the Official Biden Competency Survey NOW to tell the President what you REALLY think about Joe Biden.

US President
"Message - Putting Americans back to work"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 240K - 298K

Joe's plan creates millions of new manufacturing jobs

US President
"Message - Relief for Main Street, not Wall Street"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 166K - 219K

Joe's plan protects small businesses

US Representative District 2
"Message - Scott will always protect the people with pre-existing conditions"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 10/14/2020
Impressions: 182K - 208K

We all have someone in our families w/pre-existing conditions. Despite Luria's lies, I co-sponsored legislation requiring them to be covered by insurance. I'm also very proud of my team & our constituent services (by far, better than current rep's) in helping this family. #VA02
Let’s go!

US President
"Message - Tal vez no venimos del mismo lugar"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 526K - 608K

Pero ser humano somos todos.

US President
"Message - The next President of the United States - Mr. Joe Biden"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 276K - 339K

Biden gives a child his American flag lapel pin.

US Representative District 7
"Message - Abigail Spanger FAILED them"
Sponsor: Nick Freitas
Started Running: 10/14/2020
Impressions: 70K - 81K

URGENT: Abigail Spanberger failed her community and its business owners when COVID-19 struck. Watch to learn more.

US Representative District 5
"Message - National Right to Life Endorsement"
Sponsor: Good for US Representative - Bob
Started Running: 10/15/2020
Impressions: 80K - 90K

I am 100% Pro-Life. National Right to Life supports me because I will be an outspoken advocate for the unborn.

US Representative District 7
"Message - Our kids are counting on us"
Sponsor: Abigail Spanberger
Started Running: 10/14/2020
Impressions: 115K - 140K

Abigail Spanberger is working with both parties to expand testing and support schools, so they can re-open safely.

US Representative District 5
"Message - Radical Liberals want government-run healthcare"
Sponsor: Good for US Representative - Bob
Started Running: 10/15/2020
Impressions: 150K - 180K

Cameron Webb wants government-run healthcare. Webb and Radical Liberals would pay for it with huge tax increases on Virginians -- ending Medicare as we know it.

Like President Trump, I will protect Medicare and pre-existing conditions. I’ll never force you or your family into government-run healthcare.

US President
"Donate - Joe Biden is a military father"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 53K - 67K

Joe Biden is a military father. He understands the sacrifice our service members and their families make.

US President
"Donate - No Regrets. Nov. 4 2020"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 12K - 14K

People wonder why we keep asking for help. It’s simple. I don't want to lose by just a few thousand votes. I don’t want to wake up on November 4 with any regrets. I don’t want to think we could have done more and we didn’t fight hard enough.

I know that a $15 contribution can make a big difference, and I know you don’t want to wake up on November 4 with any regrets about this election. So, now I’m asking: will you chip in today to make your mark on this election and help elect me and other Democrats up and down the ballot?

US Representative District 5
"Donate - VA-05 is now a Toss Up!"
Sponsor: Webb for US Representative - Cameron
Started Running: 10/14/2020
Impressions: 18K - 30K

Breaking: Our race was just moved from "Lean Republican" to "Toss Up"!

This race was just moved to “Toss Up” by CPR, Sabato’s Crystal Ball and FiveThirtyEight, proving that all the effort we’ve put in so far is working! Now, let’s put that into perspective. In 2016, President Trump won our district by a whopping 11% margin. In May this year, the Cook Political Report labeled our district “likely Republican”, in June they moved us to “lean Republican”, and now our race is a “Toss Up”! Thanks to your incredible support, we’re putting this seat in play and making significant headway.

This is important: These ratings prove that we are on the right track and have a clear path to victory on November 3rd, but what we’re able to do between now and then will decide the fate of this election. We’re in the final stretch, and cannot afford to lose momentum now. If you can, please support this campaign right now by clicking below and making a donation of any amount. With your help, we can flip this seat and ensure VA-05 has the consensus-building leadership we deserve.

US President
"Donate - We can build back better"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 38K - 54K

That's why Joe Biden's plan creates millions of new jobs

US Representative District 5
"Donate - We Must Outraise The GOP!"
Sponsor: Webb for US Representative - Cameron
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 104K - 139K

Breaking: Republican Super PAC Pours $750,000 into Virginia Congressional Race!

The Republican party is pouring money into this district in a desperate attempt to buy the election. They’re terrified because Cameron Webb continues gaining ground over his opponent, and VA-05 was recently rated as a “Toss Up” race. Now, the GOP is throwing money at this race, so it’s more important than EVER that we maintain our lead.

This is the largest investment against our campaign so far, so we need every single person reading this to step up and help us stop this rightwing super PAC from buying this seat. We’ve increased our fundraising goal to $800,000 to match their $750,000 and then some. We’re going to get there the same way we’ve gotten this far -- through grassroots supporters like YOU.

If every person reading this ad chipped in just $10, we could offset this massive investment in this race. Can we count on you to make a REAL impact in this election right now?

US President
"Early Voting - Virginia, you can vote Trump out today!"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/15/2020
Impressions: 66K - 85K

Virginia, it’s time to vote Trump out.

You can vote Trump out TODAY – just click below to find out where to vote early in person!

US Representative District 2
"Message - There is a clear difference in this race"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 186K - 214K

There’s a lot of noise on the airwaves, radio, and internet, but the reality is, there is a clear difference in this race. Dems can spend millions on smear campaigns, but can’t hide from these facts. Elaine Luria for Congress has been absent, ineffective, & unaccountable. Let’s go!

Please share.

US President
"Message - VP Debate, Donald Trump and Mike Pence failed the American people"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 29K - 40K

Donald Trump and Mike Pence failed the American people. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris never will.

US President
"Message - We might not look or sound the same"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 52K - 69K

Pero nuestro corazón late con la misma fuerza

US President
"Survey - Help Me Out, Two Question Survey"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/14/2020
Impressions: 40K - 61K

Will you take a few moments to answer two quick questions to help out our campaign?

US President
"Survey - Official Trump Vs Biden Poll"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/14/2020
Impressions: 54K - 92K

[VPAP Note: this is a group of ads that have the same image and "Stand with Trump" message, but the text under Trump and Biden varies, e.g. Trump = Tough and Biden = Weak, or Trump = American Patriot and Biden = Career Politician, or Trump = Relentless and Biden = Out of it, etc.]

[Messaging used on all ads:]
President Trump knows that the Fake News Media will NEVER report accurately on his standings in the polls against Sleepy Joe.
We want the truth, and we need to hear it directly from REAL Americans, like YOU.
Please take our Official Trump vs. Biden Poll NOW to show Sleepy Joe and all of his big-government socialist followers that REAL AMERICANS want FOUR MORE YEARS.

US President
"Donate - Make One Last Donation: This is your last chance"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/14/2020
Impressions: 39K - 46K

We are almost out of time here. When people ask how we built a winning movement, I want them to know the truth. It wasn’t because a few people gave a lot. It happened because a lot of people gave a few bucks.

That’s the magic of a grassroots movement. Your ten bucks + someone else’s ten bucks + someone else’s and on down the line. It adds up, and if tens of millions of Americans join together right now, we can build an unstoppable campaign in these final weeks.

So what do you think? Can you make one last donation before Election Day to help us defeat Donald Trump and Republicans nationwide? If so, chip in now at the link provided.

US President
"Donate - Trump Could Win Again"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/14/2020
Impressions: 17K - 20K

Here’s the bad news: Donald Trump’s campaign committee has raised more money at this point in the cycle than any incumbent in history.

But the good news is that if just 10% of people reading this post chip in to help us elect Joe Biden and Democrats, we can close the fundraising gap, make Donald Trump a one-term president, and defeat Republicans across the country. What do you say? Can you chip in now to help us compete on an even playing field?

US Representative District 7
"Message: A Champion of Healthcare Access"
Sponsor: Abigail Spanberger
Started Running: 10/18/2020
Impressions: 435K - 505K

Abigail Spanberger is focusing on lowering the cost of prescription drugs and expanding access to affordable healthcare for everyone. She is fighting to make sure no one needs to choose between putting food on the table and getting the care, medication, or life-saving treatments they need. In Congress, she is working across the aisle to bring results back to Central Virginia.

US Representative District 5
"Message - Gun Owners of America Endorsement"
Sponsor: Good for US Representative - Bob
Started Running: 10/14/2020
Impressions: 90K - 100K

Virginia is ground zero for the Democrats’ war on the 2nd Amendment. Gun Owners of America endorses Bob Good because we can count on him to #HoldTheLine for #FirearmFreedom.

US Representative District 5
"Message - NFIB Endorsement"
Sponsor: Good for US Representative - Bob
Started Running: 10/18/2020
Impressions: 90K - 100K

"Bob Good’s business experience lends itself well to understanding the challenges small businesses are experiencing. Good supports removing restrictions and barriers that stand between small businesses and their success. We know he will be a reliable supporter for small businesses in the U.S. House of Representatives.” - NFIB National Political Director Sharon Sussin

US Representative District 7
"Message - Nick Freitas Failed to Expand Medicaid in Virginia"
Sponsor: Abigail Spanberger
Started Running: 10/18/2020
Impressions: 70K - 90K

Nick Freitas is wrong on healthcare policy. He strongly opposes the Affordable Care Act and supports letting insurance companies deny coverage for pre-existing conditions like asthma or diabetes. We can't afford someone like Freitas in Congress.

US Representative District 2
"Message - Scott Stands With President Trump Shoulder to Shoulder"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 10/16/2020
Impressions: 175K - 200K

Virginian's have never been ones to sit back and watch. It's why I enlisted to become a US Navy SEAL. I'll stand with President Trump shoulder to shoulder, because these times demand bold leadership.

US Representative District 2
"Message - Team Taylor Needs Volunteers!"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 10/17/2020
Impressions: 40K - 45K

Help Scott Taylor take back the 2nd! There's less than 2 weeks left. We need volunteers for the final push to make phone calls, knock doors, & deliver yard signs. Sign up below.

US President
"Donate - Biden can't work a live stream. How is he going to run a country?"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 32K - 39K

After FOUR DECADES in the Washington Swamp, Joe Biden has accomplished nothing.

He’s just a washed-up, career politician being used as a PAWN by the Radical Left.

The fact is, Sleepy Joe is not the leader of his party. He is the helpless puppet of the Democrats.

Yikes. Does that sound like someone who’s ready to lead a Country?

Please donate now to show the President what you REALLY think about Joe Biden.

US President
"Donate - Donate. Donate. Donate."
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/15/2020
Impressions: 61K - 71K

Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Donate.

Election Day is almost here. Can you chip in to help Joe, Kamala, and Democrats win?

US President
"Donate - Hiden for President: What else is Joe Biden hiding?"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/15/2020
Impressions: 48K - 56K


President Trump just delivered an EPIC speech and we're giving him the FINAL Presidential Donor List in his office soon and we know he'll be looking for YOUR NAME.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to get on the list and your gift will be 700%-MATCHED!

US President
"Donate - Hillary Clinton"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/17/2020
Impressions: 11K - 13K

Hi there, it’s Hillary

With less than 20 days to go until the election is over, I’m here to make a small, yet important, ask of you. Will you join me in donating $25 to help elect Joe, Kamala, and Democrats up and down the ballot?

Take it from me, no matter what the polls say, this election will be closer than you think. That’s why it’s up to us to make sure we do everything in our power to end this national nightmare. So, what do you say -- will you join me?

US President
"Donate - Joe Biden as President, We should depend on China for all our manufacturing"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 15K - 18K

After FOUR DECADES in the Washington Swamp, Joe Biden has accomplished nothing.

He’s just a washed-up, career politician being used as a PAWN by the Radical Left.

The fact is, Sleepy Joe is not the leader of his party. He is the helpless puppet of the Democrats.

Yikes. Does that sound like someone who’s ready to lead a Country?

Please donate now to show the President what you REALLY think about Joe Biden.

US President
"Donate - Joementum vs Momentum"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/13/2020
Impressions: 11K - 14K

After FOUR DECADES in the Washington Swamp, Joe Biden has accomplished nothing.

He’s just a washed-up, career politician being used as a PAWN by the Radical Left.

The fact is, Sleepy Joe is not the leader of his party. He is the helpless puppet of the Democrats.

Yikes. Does that sound like someone who’s ready to lead a Country?

Please donate now to show the President what you REALLY think about Joe Biden.

US President
"Message - It's a win-win for our future"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/18/2020
Impressions: 233K - 271K

Joe's plan: Modern infrastructure + more American jobs

US President
"Petition - Spaceflight Is Back!"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/15/2020
Impressions: 18K - 22K

The Obama-Biden Administration GUTTED America’s space program.

But now, thanks to President Trump’s leadership, we are restoring NASA to GREATNESS.

Show your support for President Trump and our astronauts by adding your name to our Official Petition TODAY!

US President
"Donate - Fight Back: Why is Big Tech getting involved in the 2020 election?"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/15/2020
Impressions: 11K - 13K

Big Tech is trying to deceive the American People.

President Trump needs you to step up.

US President
"Donate - Joe Biden is a Liar and needs to be held accountable"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/15/2020
Impressions: 14K - 17K

[VPAP Note: this is a group of ads that uses slightly different images, but has the same tag line on each. Most ads display some image of Joe Biden]


President Trump just delivered an EPIC speech and we're giving him the FINAL Presidential Donor List in his office soon and we know he'll be looking for YOUR NAME.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to get on the list and your gift will be 700%-MATCHED!

US President
"Donate - Trump Might Win This"
Sponsor: Joe Biden
Started Running: 10/14/2020
Impressions: 20K - 23K

In just a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a contribution. But first, let me explain what’s got us worried. The last two Republicans to win the presidency entered the White House without winning the popular vote: George W. Bush and Donald Trump. This election is going to be decided state-by-state. Even if we’re up nationally, we need to absolutely dominate those battleground states to win.

We can pull ahead, but we need your help to close the fundraising gap to make sure we have the resources we need. Can you contribute now to help us beat Donald Trump and Republicans up and down the ballot? Even $5 or $10 makes a big difference.

US Representative District 5
"Message - Bedford County Sheriff Mike Miller's Endorsement"
Sponsor: Good for US Representative - Bob
Started Running: 10/18/2020
Impressions: 10K - 15K

“Bob Good is a leader we can count on. He has served in local office and understands the needs of our communities. He will have the back of law enforcement, and he can count on me to have his back in this election. He has my full support.” - Bedford County Sheriff Mike Miller

US Representative District 5
"Message - Campbell County Sheriff Whit Clark's Endorsement"
Sponsor: Good for US Representative - Bob
Started Running: 10/18/2020
Impressions: 10K - 15K

“Bob Good is a strong defender of the men and women who wear the uniform of law enforcement. No one will fight harder for us in Washington, DC." - Campbell County Sheriff Whit Clark

US President
"Petition - Four More Years: Responses Needed"
Sponsor: Donald Trump
Started Running: 10/17/2020
Impressions: 60K - 72K

[VPAP Note: this is a group of ads with similar images, but different text. Each image has a progress bar of signatures with "Respond Now" or "Four More Years" underneath. The titles all start with "Responses Needed", but varies afterwards, such as "...to stand against the extreme radical left." or "...to show you stand with the police."]

The President wants to know who stood with him during this important time in our Nation.

We’re sending a list of EVERY AMERICAN who signs their name to President Trump first thing TOMORROW morning and we want him to see YOUR NAME. Don’t let him down.

Add your name by 11:59 PM TONIGHT to stand with President Trump and to get on the list of supporters he sees.