Fowler for Delegate - Buddy

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Committees reported making payments to Fowler for Delegate - Buddy for the following services:

Amount Committee
$11,500 Gilbert for Delegate - Todd
$6,000 Majority Leader PAC (Kirk Cox)
$5,000 Kilgore for Delegate - Terry
$3,000 Helsel for Delegate - Gordon (Rep)
$2,000 Knight for Delegate - Barry
$1,250 Miller for Delegate - Jackson
$1,000 Avoli for Delegate - John
$1,000 Landes for Delegate - Steven
$1,000 Hugo for Delegate - Timothy
$1,000 McDougle For Senate - Ryan
$1,000 Webert for Delegate - Michael
$995 Dominion Leadership Trust
$800 Scott for Delegate - Edward
$750 Garrett for Delegate - Scott
$500 O'Bannon for Delegate - John
$500 Byron for Delegate - Kathy
$500 Stosch for Senate - Walter
$500 Massie for Delegate - Jimmie
$500 Farrell for Delegate - Peter
$500 Dunnavant for Senate - Siobhan