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ZIP codes 20108, 20110

Postal code 20108 does not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed this ZIP code with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 20110.

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1,484 Donors Gave $8,291,655

Amount Donor ZIP
$893,310 Miller for Delegate - Jackson 20108
$820,251 Micron Technology Inc 20110
$766,193 Wellspring Committee Inc 20110
$275,749 Lovejoy for Delegate - Ian 20110
$223,565 Colgan for Senate - Charles 20110
$221,397 Parrish, Hal 20110
$196,214 American Target Advertising Inc 20110
$179,985 Better Virginia PAC 20110
$152,101 Immigration911 LLC 20108
$147,500 Progeny Systems Corp 20110
$135,924 Nembhard for Delegate - Travis 20108
$131,523 Carter for Delegate - Lee 20108
$124,780 Marshall for Delegate - Robert 20108
$122,613 Heavy Construction Contractors Assn 20110
$120,520 Parrish for Manassas Mayor - Hal 20108
$97,200 Independence Realty 20110
$88,377 Gregory, John O 20110
$78,211 Prince William Forward 20110
$74,522 Hersch, Stephen David 20110
$74,000 Stonewall Group LLC 20110

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